Three Quarters of Whites Don’t Have Any Non-White Friends

This article by Christopher Ingraham discusses the racial divide between races and their social groups. Based on research conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), in a scenario where an American has 100 friends, an average white American has 91 white friends and 1 black friend, while an average black American has 83 black friends and 8 white friends. Ingraham uses these statistics as well as others compiled by PRRI to explain why this occurs and how it contributes to the racial divide on responses to racial events such as Ferguson. Ingraham speaks to the whole American population with a goal to inform them of this trend and force them to see how this impacts their daily lives.

I found this article astonishing. It was very surprising to learn the lack of diversity that exists in average American’s friend group, both white and black. I think mostly because I have grown up with so much diversity around that I never really noticed. It was mind boggling that 75% of white Americans only have white friends. However, after reading the article and thinking back to high school, I could definitely recall friend groups that existed that were 100% white, and it began to make sense on why some of them react a certain way when a racial issue arises. I could also reason to why some white Americans may only have white friends. Location plays a huge role. It is hard for a person to have diverse friends when they do not live in an diverse areas, and there are places in the US where little to black people reside there.

I am often the only black person in my friend circles, and during social injustice movements is often where I feel the disconnect. In most cases, many whites do not see the racial issue in these situations. They see it as playing the “race card.” They do not see the events are something racially driven, which I now understand because they have no experience or history. They have not been exposed to it. That is the problem with many movements driven by minorites. The majorities that such it down as not a problem have never experienced it or witnessed it. Therefore, do not believe it to be a problem. When Ferguson happened, my Twitter feed had never been so divided. They were people angered by the police’s action, wanting to join the protestors, and starting their own protests. While I noticed other people I followed, majority white, tweeting about how it was not a race issue. I even remember someone saying that Michael Brown was a “thug” who “deserved it.” it shows how lack of culture and diversity can close a person mind in order to only view it in one light. This article definitely touched at that. So my question would be how do we fix it?

How do we fix the lack of diversity in social groups? How do we open up the minds to those who have not experienced or witness discrimination to realize that it is a real problem? How do we create less of a divide in responses to human injustices?


Twine: The Dating Game

The Dating Game

The concept behind my Twine game is dating in college. The players play as a college girl named Sophie, who is trying to live an uncomplicated life this semester and focus on school, and boys seem to be the thing that complicates her life the most. The point of the game is not let the male characters that enter your life add drama and unnecessary complications. The idea of the game came from brainstorming with two of my girl friends. I was trying to develop a game that had a story line that would be appealing and not to confusing to implement. I attempted to create a lighthearted experience that all could relate to an enjoy because although from the female perspective, male players get one side of what girls experience in the dating.

I had many people play my game, both male and female. Almost all the female players loved the game. They became really invested and wanted to see where the storyline and their choices would lead them. Some claimed it to be just like their lives and others saw it as something they wanted to happen to them. It really appealed to their desires and interests. This fact relates to one of the first readings we did for this class, Rise of the Zinesters by Anna Anthropy. Anthropy discusses the need for more diverse games that appeal to the increasingly diverse gaming community. One of the solutions she suggested was for these diverse yet underrepresented parties to begin to create their own games that they would be interested in playing and other with similar interest would also enjoy the game too. I thoroughly enjoyed creating my game, and much like Anthropy said, many other people who had the same interests as me also enjoyed my game because it was something that related to them, which lacks in the video gaming world for minorities such as women and those part of the LGBT community.

On the other hand, the male players who played my game, although they said they did enjoy it, they also claimed it made them feel as though all guys were predators. It was a interesting perspective presented to me because on one hand, girls seemed to love both male characters, yet guys saw them in a negative view. It was reverse of what has been happening in the gaming community now. With #GamerGate, women do not enjoy the female representation in games – how they are either overly sexual or serve as only a person who needs to be saved. However, many male players see no wrong with the female characters and in some cases, enjoy it.

I feel as though I was successful in executing my game and properly conveying my ideas and goals. The process was definitely a lot more time consuming than I realized, but I actually enjoyed it when I did not have other assignments to stress about. However, I did cut out many other possible plot lines because of time.

Response to #GamerGate

Todd VanDerWerff writes a piece on #GamerGate, a movement that took Twitter by storm this past summer. He writes this article to the general audience, trying to inform people not as immersed or not immersed at all in the video-gaming world what #GamerGate really means. He works on providing the source of the #GamerGate, the goals of supporters of #GamerGate, and the bigger issues that this movement brings up.

#GamerGate is derived from the backlash of a public break up between video game creator Zoe Quinn and her now programmer ex-boyfriend Eron Gjoni. Gjoni wrote several pieces about Quinn, released her public information, and ultimately accused her of cheating on him with video game journalist Nathan Grayson. It was the latter that really sparked the cause of #GamerGate.

After this very public ordeal occurred, many #GamerGate supporters began to challenge the ethics of videogame journalism. VanDerWerff highlights this as one of the main topics of #GamerGate. He expresses that Gamer Gaters feel as though journalists are letting their relationships with video game creators influence their work causing them to report on games that are not worth it as well as reporting on things that are not video games but pertain to the gaming world. However, VanDerWerff brought up a good point that there is disconnect between “what those who read gaming media believe journalism to be and what it actually is.” Gamer Gaters want video game journalism to solely focus on the games and specifically games at are relevant to the masses while in journalism, the reporters are meant to report on that as well as issues pertaining to their broader field such as the bigger issues in the gaming world.

VanDerWerff brings forth these issues that #GamerGate supporters have, mainly about video game journalism. However, he also shows the inconsistencies. These supporters want video games to be seen as an art and want them to be solely reported on. On the other hand, evolution is necessary for video games to reach their full artistic prime which means the that the journalism has to evolve as well as the type of games that are created. The supporters are angered by “social justice warriors” who are advocating for more diversity in games in a field that becoming more diverse but that also hinders any evolutionary progress. VanDerWerff goals were to share these inconsistencies of #GamerGate movement and why is won’t really succeed as well as point the overarching question that has been brought up by all of this which is “what games should be and who they should be for”?

I thoroughly enjoyed this article although at times I was lost as to what Gamer Gaters were fighting for and wanted to achieve as well as why this led to the harassment of women in the gaming industry. I really appreciated the author’s highlighting of the inconsistencies in the movement. I felt as though it showed that not many of the supporters of #GamerGate even know what they were fighting against or for because for many of the things they wanted, they were fighting against the things that would inherently get them that such as more diversity and representation in video games.

It surprised me that those who advocate for more diversity and representation in video games anger #GamerGate supporters. I do not know much about video games. I do not really play them, but in a field that is growing in the number of female gamers and game creators, it would only seem right to evolve with the times and appeal to everyone. However, by pushing against this, it is like they are trying to exclude a whole group from the gaming world and identify them as not “real” gamers. They cannot achieve games of more artistic credibility if they want the same types of games that appeal to the same type of people to be made. The games have to change with the demographics – all the demographics. It just puzzles me, because what do they have to lose if more games were made with female representation or LGBT representation?

Introduction to Muftiat

Hi! My name is Muftiat. I am a computer science major pursuing a math minor and a biology (particularly neuroscience) concentration. I very much enjoy movies across all genres. I look forward to the Golden Globes and Academy Awards every year. In addition, I love music. I am pretty open to listen to anything. Besides that, I have strong interest in the brain and neuroscience, especially mental illnesses. I hope to be able to use computer science to further progress the field of neuroscience. You can also find me on Twitter @MuftiatO.

kim-kardashian-paper-magazineKim Kardashian, Paper Magazine cover

This image above is the winter 2014 magazine cover for Paper Magazine. They did a mostly nude spread of Kim Kardashian in an effort to “break the internet.” After Kim Kardashian posted the pictures herself on her Instagram, I remember people attacking her for doing so such a provocative spread on all forms of social media. However, no one questioned the fact that a magazine company wanted to use naked and semi-naked photos of her in order to increase their worth and their brand. Also, many people, women especially, were quick to judge her on her decision especially since she is now a wife and mother, but when men pose for Calvin Klein underwear ads or even naked, there is much more of a positive response. This photo and the response it received demonstrates one of the double standards that exist between men and women.

I am most looking forward to the digital activism portion of this course. In one of my high school English classes, we explored whether a difference can really be made through social media, and it is something I constantly wonder about and battle back and forth with myself. On one hand, you are tweeting or posting and through that people are becoming aware of the what is going on, but on the other hand, beyond your phone or computer, what difference is being made?