Arduino Design Camp

Earlier this semester, I went to the design camp on Arduino which refers either a circuit board or the programming language for the circuit board.  The idea behind Arduino is that a simple, cheap circuit board can be used with other simple, cheap components to create anything that the designer wants.  Some examples are window blinds that automatically adjust with the brightness outside and automated light switches, as well as the robots normally associated with the name Arduino.  Because of the open source nature of Arduino, learning how to use it is fairly simple and most of the informaiton you need to know is on their website.

I have already had some experience with Arduino before the design camp, but I still gain some new understanding of some of the more complex aspects of Arduino coding and wiring.  Since I already had some experience with Arduino, I have several potential projects in the works that could use an Arduino, as well as the classes and other educational activities I’ve seen and been involved with.

The idea behind Arduino reminds me of the Hacking the Label article we read where they debate whether hacking is political or not.  However you consider that, though, hacking does strive to be egalitarian, something that Arduino encourages.  All you need to do an Arduino project is a computer, internet access(useful but not necessary once you have the software), and about a hundred bucks, making the automation that raises the standard of living in scifi movies available to the general public right now, if we care enough to use it.

One thought on “Arduino Design Camp”

  1. Another connection to class that I’ve come across with Arduino is the way that its simplicity and open access makes it easier to encourage people who might not think that they would be able to program or build circuits to do so – something that’s especially important because of the way that this kind of knowledge has been coded as a male preserve. LilyPad Arduino modules, which are designed to be sewn into clothing, are one example of a use of Arduino for high-tech versions of traditionally feminine activities.

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